By Blue Dock Media on Friday, 19 April 2019
Category: Home Security

10 Tips For Keeping Your Home Secure While You Enjoy Your Vacation

Getting the chance to take a vacation, whether it's a weekend trip to a nearby city or two weeks on a sandy beach somewhere far away, is generally one of the highlights of your year. You spend a lot of time and money planning out your trip in order to get the most out of the experience, and eagerly look forward to being someplace new and exciting. However, that careful planning doesn't always extend to a very important and frequently overlooked part of the equation – your home. Especially when you plan on being out of town for a week or two, there are a number of things you'll need to take into consideration.

There are few things more upsetting than returning from your vacation to find that your home has been broken into, and someone has helped themselves to your valuables and maybe even trashed the place in the process. A break in can cost you upwards of $2,000 thanks to property damage and insurance premiums. Everyone has their own pieces of advice that they swear by for keeping intruders out of a temporarily unoccupied home, with some being a little more effective than others.

And it's not just a break-in you need to be concerned about while you're away. A broken water pipe can do serious damage if it's left to leak or even gush water for a long period of time, or a bit of bad weather could send a tree branch crashing through a window or onto your roof. A slightly open window or chimney flute can act as an open invitation for an intruder of the small and furry variety, giving you an up-close look at the havoc a trapped and anxious squirrel can cause.

Keeping tabs on your property while you're gone is important for a few reasons. Here are 10 things you can do to protect your home against any of the worst case scenarios that could potentially crop up while you're away on vacation.

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